Driver Guide


This guide outlines the services that we can provide to drivers. We recommend that you read through it now so you are aware of what support we can offer.

Please contact your fleet representative or HVF Limited Customer Service Representative to confirm which services are applicable to yourself if in doubt.

Your Driver Card

Your HVF Limited Driver Card is contained within your welcome letter. This provides the telephone number to call for specific services that you may need during your vehicle contract. Please keep this card with you or keep in a safe place within the vehicle. It’s also a good idea to store this number in your mobile phone should you need it in the future.

What is my responsibility as the driver of this vehicle?

Routine servicing

It’s important to keep your vehicle road-worthy and to follow the manufacturer’s guidance. With this in mind, we have designed an optional maintenance package which includes routine servicing, tyres, replacement parts and repairs due to fair wear and tear*.

*Repairs or replacements from accidental or malicious damage and damage caused by driver misuse or abuse are excluded. The vehicle must be serviced in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines and by an approved service dealer.


You must take care not to drive your vehicle with tyres below the legal limit – you can put yourself and other road users at risk and both you and your company can be held liable for prosecution.

You should be aware that prosecution for illegal tyres will result in penalty points on your licence. We strongly recommend that you regularly check your tyres to make sure they conform to legal requirements.

MOT certificate

Please make sure that you are aware of the MOT certificate expiry date and allow adequate time for the inspection to be carried out.

Driving Licence

You are required to have a full and valid UK driving licence to be able to drive the vehicle. We recommend you always have your licence with you while driving.


All parking fines and penalty charges must be paid promptly by you. You may face additional costs if you fail to pay any charges on time.


If you wish to add accessories to your vehicle after delivery, such as a tow bar, audio equipment, telephone kit, driving/fog lamps, body kits or modifications, you will need approval from both your company and HVF Limited. All expenses for any changes made to your vehicle after delivery, including maintenance of these items, are your responsibility.

If you remove any accessories, we ask you to repair any damage that may have been caused by their fitment and ensure the vehicle is returned to us in its original condition.

Vehicle master key

Certain vehicles now have a coded master key that includes a transponder for added security. These keys are easily identifiable and are often colour coded. It is your responsibility to ensure the safe return of the master key on return of the vehicle. We reserve the right to recharge all costs incurred for the replacement of a master key should this be necessary.

Care and attention

Cleaning your vehicle regularly and checking oil and water levels as well as tyre pressures will help to keep your vehicle running efficiently. During winter, the appropriate amount of anti-freeze should be included in the cooling system.

How do I arrange servicing, repairs or an MOT?

For servicing and routine maintenance, please contact your local franchised dealer directly. They will be able to confirm the next available appointment based on your requirements. To help reduce your vehicle’s time off the road you might consider a while-you-wait option.

For MOTs, please call 0330 123 1590 to book an appointment or contact your nearest Kwik Fit centre. Please remember to check all lights, the condition of your tyres and your windscreen for chips and cracks before booking.

Alternatively, you can manage your vehicle's needs via the HVF Limited Driver Portal which can be accessed from any internet-enabled device. You can choose a garage based on location and select desired dates and will receive instant booking confirmation.

It is essential to service your vehicle in line with the manufacturer's guidelines (found in the handbook supplied with the vehicle). Failure to do so could result in extra costs being incurred for damage caused as a result of missing a service. After each service please ensure that the dealer has updated the service history on-line and in the service voucher book.

Any repairs required as a result of damage, theft, vandalism, driver neglect or misuse are not covered by any maintenance agreement and are rechargeable.

Replacement tyres, batteries, exhausts and windscreens.

Should you need to replace any of the above items, simply call Vehicle Service Management and follow the menu options. Your contract may also include a mobile fitting service for tyres and windscreens so your vehicle can be attended at your work or home address, or at an address convenient to you.

What should I do if my vehicle breaks down?

Breakdown Assistance

In the unfortunate event of a breakdown simply call Vehicle Service Management and follow the menu options. Many new vehicles include a breakdown recovery service during their warranty period but the level of cover varies depending on the manufacturer. If the level of cover provided by the manufacturer is of the same standard available via HVF Limited, our recovery agent will ask the manufacturer to respond to your breakdown. If your manufacturer’s cover has expired or does not provide benefits equal to the HVF Limited scheme, our recovery agent will make arrangements for HVF Limited to respond.

The priority will be to repair the vehicle so that you can continue your journey with the minimum disruption. If a repair cannot be completed at the roadside, the vehicle will be recovered to the nearest HVF Limited approved repairer supplier who will attend to the repairs.

Recovery Service

If your vehicle cannot be repaired at the roadside or at a nearby garage supplier, the recovery agent will take you, your vehicle and your passengers home or to anywhere on the UK mainland. We’ll also return your vehicle to your home if you travel back separately. If you prefer, the recovery agent can be instructed by HVF Limited to arrange a hire vehicle, which may be free of charge for the first 48 hours depending on your contract. Please note that out of hours this is subject to availability and vehicle limitations may apply.

How do I arrange a temporary replacement vehicle?

If you require a replacement vehicle please call us on the number provided on your driver card and select the option for replacement vehicles. If your contract does not include provision for replacement vehicles, HVF Limited will be able to arrange short term hire of a vehicle for you at competitive rates. Please note all replacement vehicles must be insured by your company.

As soon as your replacement vehicle is no longer required, please contact us to arrange collection and obtain a termination number. It is important to keep a note of this number for future reference as your company may incur additional charges without it.

Please note that rental vehicles (whether booked as replacement vehicles or as short term hire vehicles) must not be taken out of the UK without prior permission from the vehicle rental company. If unsure please speak with us for guidance.

Taking your vehicle abroad

If you're thinking of taking your vehicle abroad, please call our European travel line which is detailed on your Driver Card at least 2 weeks in advance of your trip and request a European travel pack. It will include details of our breakdown service in Europe, a VE103 document and a letter authorising you to take the vehicle outside of the UK.

When you call to request a travel pack, you'll be asked to provide the following information:

  • Your registration number
  • Exact dates the car will be out of the country
  • Countries to be visited

Any maintenance costs incurred while the vehicle is out of the country are at your expense, however reimbursements will be considered at the scale of repair charges applicable in the UK. You will be required to produce receipts and translated invoices within 28 days of any expenditure being incurred.

Don’t forget when travelling overseas it is recommended that you should take a touring kit of spare parts, a warning triangle and a first aid kit. In many countries these items are mandatory and must be supplied at your own expense. For further details of what is required in the country or countries you’re visiting, please ask a representative by calling the European travel line.

What should I do if I am involved in an accident?

If your contract includes provision for Accident Services, support is available to help you 24 hours a day. Call the number on your driver card and follow the options for Accident Services.

Accident Services provides the following:

Vehicle recovery and courtesy vehicle

If the vehicle cannot be driven, it will be taken to the nearest approved repairer or a secure storage area. If necessary, we can provide you with a hire vehicle which may incur additional costs to you. Alternatively, the repairer may provide a courtesy vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired.

Incident management

In the event of a road traffic collision, our specialists will assist with the completion of a report form and liaise with your insurers throughout the repair process.

Quality repairs

Our Accident Services department uses a network of repairers throughout the UK which specialise in performing repairs quickly and to the highest standards.

Vehicle collection and exchange

Once the contract on this vehicle has expired between your company and HVF Limited, HVF Limited will arrange for its collection and the provision of your new vehicle if applicable.

On the day of collection, our collection agent or supplying dealer will appraise the vehicle and provide you with a vehicle collection report. They will record the mileage and you should ensure that the following items are included with the vehicle for collection:

  • Any accessories supplied on delivery
  • All keys associated with the vehicle
  • Wheel security key (if applicable)
  • All vehicle operating manuals
  • Service book (if applicable), recording a history of service for the vehicle which meet manufacturer guidelines.

When your vehicle is returned to our remarketing site at the end of its term, it will undergo a full inspection and will be assessed against BVRLA standards. These standards are used across the leasing and hire industry and a copy of these guidelines can be found at

Buying your vehicle

If you, a member of your family, or a friend, are interested in buying your vehicle at the end of its term, please make enquiries before you return the vehicle to us.

Firstly, obtain agreement from your company. When you have this, please contact BCA Remarketing Solutions (BCA) Driver Sales Team on 01625 418385 and they will be happy to provide you with a quote. Alternatively, Go to buy my car for further contact details. Please note that if your vehicle is provided via a Car Ownership Scheme the purchase price will be quoted in your credit sale agreement documentation. When the contract has expired, please make sure any documents in your possession relating to the vehicle are returned to HVF Limited.


This document has been produced for your guidance and whilst every care has been taken to ensure correct at the time of publication, it is provided on the basis that HVF Limited cannot be held responsible for any loss or liability that may be incurred through its use.

If you need our assistance or advice at any time during the period of your vehicle contract, please do not hesitate to contact either Vehicle Service Management or your HVF Limited Customer Service Representative.